TBMP Index
Trademark Trial and Appeal Board Manual of Procedure
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United States Patent and Trademark Office


The June 2021 revision is an update of the June 2020 edition. Primarily, this update incorporates relevant case law issued between March 1, 2020 and February 28, 2021. In addition, the update includes requirements for new fees in connection with briefs and oral hearings as well as the change in nomenclature from "standing" to file an opposition or cancellation under the Trademark Act to "entitlement to a statutory cause of action."

The title of the manual is abbreviated as "TBMP." A citation to a section of the manual may be written as "TBMP § _____ (2021)."

As with previous editions, this edition is available online at the TTAB home page of the USPTO web site in a searchable, printable format as well as in pdf. Archived editions of the TBMP are also available at the TTAB's home page.

Several TTAB judges, attorneys, paralegals, and professional staff contributed to this year’s annual update. Their efforts in ensuring an accurate and timely update are very appreciated. Special thanks are extended to Judge Angela Lykos who took the lead in supervising the work while the TBMP Editor was temporarily assigned to the Office of the Under Secretary and Director.

Cheryl Butler

Senior Counsel and TBMP Editor

Trademark Trial and Appeal Board

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