1304.01 Collective Membership Marks Generally 
The sole purpose of a collective membership mark is to indicate that the user of the mark is a member of a particular organization. See Constitution Party of Tex. v. Constitution Ass’n USA, 152 USPQ 443 (TTAB 1966) (holding cancellation of collective membership mark registration proper since mark was not being used to indicate membership in registrant).
Thus, membership marks are not trademarks or service marks in the ordinary sense; they are not used in business or trade, and they do not indicate commercial origin of goods or services. Registration of these marks fills the need of collective organizations who do not use the symbols of their organizations on goods or services but who still wish to protect their marks from use by others. See Ex parte Supreme Shrine of the Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem, 109 USPQ 248 (Comm’r Pats. 1956), regarding the rationale for registration of collective membership marks.
A collective membership mark may comprise an individual letter or combination of letters, a single word or combination of words, a design alone, a name or nickname, or other matter that identifies the collective organization or indicates its purpose. A membership mark may, but need not, include the term "member" or the equivalent.
In addition to the mark being printed (the most common form), a membership mark may consist of an object, such as a flag, or may be a part of articles of jewelry, such as lapel pins or rings. See TMEP §1304.02(a)(i) and §1304.02(a)(i)(C) regarding use of membership marks and acceptable specimens.
Nothing in the Trademark Act prohibits the use of the same mark as a membership mark by members and, also, as a trademark or a service mark by the parent organization, but the same mark may not be used both as a membership mark and as a certification mark for the same goods or services. 37 C.F.R. §2.45(f); TMEP §1306.04(f).
See TMEP §1302.01 regarding the history of collective membership marks.
1304.02 Application Requirements for Collective Membership Marks
Under 37 C.F.R. §2.44, a complete application for a collective membership mark must include the following:
- (1) the legal name and physical address of the applicant (see TMEP §§803.02, 803.05);
- (2) the applicant’s legal entity type (see TMEP §803.03);
- (3) the applicant’s citizenship or the jurisdiction under whose laws the applicant is organized, and if the applicant is a domestic partnership or joint venture, the names and citizenship of the general partners or active members of the joint venture (see TMEP §§803.03(b), 803.04), or if applicant is a sole proprietorship, the U.S. state or foreign country of its organization and the name and citizenship of the sole proprietor (37 C.F.R. §2.32(a)(3)(v), TMEP §§803.03(a), 803.04);
- (4) a description of the mark if the mark is not in standard characters (see TMEP §808);
- (5) a translation/transliteration of any foreign wording in the mark (see TMEP §809);
- (6) a drawing of the mark sought to be registered (see TMEP §807);
- (7) a filing fee (see TMEP §810);
- (8) a description of the nature of the membership organization such as by type, purpose, or area of activity of the members (see TMEP §1304.02(c));
- (9) classification in U.S. Class 200 for a §1 or §44 application, or the classification assigned by the IB for a §66(a) application (see TMEP §1304.02(d)); and
- (10) a filing basis (see TMEP §§1304.02(a)–(a)(vi)), including verification of certain statements signed by the applicant or a person properly authorized to sign on behalf of the applicant (see TMEP §§1304.02(b)-(b)(ii)).
37 C.F.R. §2.44(a)(1), (a)(2)(ii), (a)(3)(ii), (a)(4).
Requirements that differ in form from those in trademark or service mark applications. Most application requirements for collective membership marks are the same as those for regular trademarks and service marks. However, the filing basis, verification, identification, and classification requirements for collective membership mark applications differ in form from other trademark and service mark applications because of the difference between who owns and uses collective membership marks. See TMEP §§1304.02(a)-(a)(v) for information regarding filing basis requirements, §§1304.02(b)-(b)(ii) for information regarding the verification of certain statements, §1304.02(c) for identification requirements, and §1304.02(d) for classification requirements in collective membership mark applications.
See TMEP Chapter 1600 for post-registration requirements.
1304.02(a) Filing Basis
See TMEP §1303.01(a) for information regarding an application filing basis for a collective trademark or collective service mark. These requirements apply similarly to collective membership marks.
For a list of the requirements pertaining to each filing basis, see 37 C.F.R. §2.44(a)(4) and TMEP §§1304.02(a)(i)–(v).
1304.02(a)(i) Use in Commerce – §1(a)
Registration of a collective membership mark under Trademark Act §1(a) is based on actual use of the mark by the members of a collective organization. The owner of the mark exercises control over the use of the mark; however, because the sole purpose of a membership mark is to indicate membership, use of the mark is by its members. See In re Mission Am. Coal., 2023 USPQ2d 228, at *12 (TTAB 2023) (collective membership mark refused because specimen showed use of the mark by applicant’s officer and not its members); In re Triangle Club of Princeton Univ., 138 USPQ 332, 332-33 (TTAB 1963) (collective membership mark refused because specimen did not show use of the mark by its members).
Under 15 U.S.C. §1051(a), §1054, and 37 C.F.R. §2.44(a)(4)(i), to establish a basis under §1(a), the applicant must:
- (1) Submit a statement specifying the nature of the applicant’s control over the use of the mark by the members (37 C.F.R. §2.44(a)(4)(i)(A) );
- (2) Specify the date of the applicant’s members’ first use of the mark anywhere to indicate membership in the collective organization (37 C.F.R. §2.44(a)(4)(i)(B) );
- (3) Specify the date of the applicant’s members’ first use of the mark in commerce (Id.);
- (4) Submit one specimen for each class, showing how a member uses the mark in commerce to indicate membership in the collective organization (37 C.F.R. §§2.44(a)(4)(i)(C), 2.56(b)(4) ); and
- (5) Submit a verified statement that the applicant believes the applicant is the owner of the mark; that the mark is in use in commerce; that the applicant is exercising legitimate control over the use of the mark in commerce; that to the best of the signatory’s knowledge and belief, no other persons except members have the right to use the mark in commerce, either in the identical form or in such near resemblance as to be likely, when used on or in connection with the collective membership organization of such other persons, to cause confusion or mistake, or to deceive; that the specimen shows the mark as used in commerce by the applicant’s members; and that the facts set forth in the application are true (15 U.S.C. §§1051(a)(3)(C), 1054; 37 C.F.R. §2.44(a)(4)(i)(D)). See TMEP § 1304.02(b)(i) for additional information regarding the requirements for the verified statement in applications under §1(a).
The Trademark Act defines "commerce" as commerce that may lawfully be regulated by the U.S. Congress, and "use in commerce" as the bona fide use of a mark in the ordinary course of trade. 15 U.S.C. §1127; see TMEP §§901–901.04.
An applicant may not assert both §1(a) and §1(b) for the same collective membership organization in the same application. 37 C.F.R. §2.44(c); see TMEP §806.02(b).
Nothing in the Trademark Act prohibits the use of the same mark as a collective membership mark by members and, also, as a trademark or service mark by the parent organization (see TMEP §1303.01), but the same mark may not be used both as a collective membership mark and as a certification mark for the same goods or services. 37 C.F.R. §2.45(f); TMEP §1306.04(f).
1304.02(a)(i)(A) Manner/Method of Control
See TMEP § 1303.01(a)(i)(A) for information regarding the requirement for a Manner/Method of Control statement for a collective trademark or collective service mark. This requirement applies similarly to collective membership marks.
1304.02(a)(i)(B) Dates of Use
When setting out dates of use of a collective membership mark, the applicant must state that the mark was first used by a member of the applicant rather than by the applicant, and that the mark was first used on a specified date to indicate membership rather than first used on goods or in connection with services.
The date of first use anywhere is the date when an applicant’s member first indicates membership in the collective organization under the mark, if such use is bona fide and in the ordinary course of trade. See 15 U.S.C. §1127 (definition of "use" within the definition of "abandonment of mark"). For every applicant, whether foreign or domestic, the date of first use of a mark is the date of the first use anywhere, in the United States or elsewhere, regardless of whether the nature of the use was local or national, intrastate or interstate, or of another type.
The date of first use in commerce is the date when an applicant’s member first indicates membership in the collective organization under the mark in a type of commerce that may be lawfully regulated by the U.S. Congress, if such use is bona fide and in the ordinary course of trade. See 15 U.S.C. §1127 (definition of "use" within the definition of "abandonment of mark"). See TMEP §901.01 for definitions of "commerce" and "use in commerce," and §901.03 regarding types of commerce.
In a §1(a) application, the applicant may not specify a date of use that is later than the filing date of the application. If an applicant who filed under §1(a) cannot show that a member used the mark in commerce on or before the application filing date, the applicant may amend the basis to §1(b). See 37 C.F.R. §2.35(b)(1). See TMEP §806.03 regarding amendments to the basis.
Neither a date of first use nor a date of first use in commerce is required to receive a filing date in an application based on use in commerce under §1(a) of the Act. If the application does not include a date of first use and/or a date of first use in commerce, the examining attorney must require that the applicant specify the date of first use and/or date of first use in commerce. See 37 C.F.R. §2.44(a)(4)(i)(B). The dates must be supported by an affidavit or declaration under 37 C.F.R. §2.20. See 37 C.F.R. §§2.44(a)(4)(i)(B), 2.71(c).
An applicant may not file an application on the basis of use of a mark in commerce if such use has been discontinued.
1304.02(a)(i)(C) Specimens 
The owner of a collective membership mark exercises control over the use of the mark but does not itself use the mark to indicate membership. Therefore, a proper specimen of use of a collective membership mark must show use by members to indicate membership in the collective organization. 37 C.F.R. §2.56(b)(4); In re Mission Am. Coal., 2023 USPQ2d 228, at *4, *12 (TTAB 2023); In re Int’l Ass’n for Enterostomal Therapy, Inc., 218 USPQ 343, 345 (TTAB 1983); In re Triangle Club of Princeton Univ., 138 USPQ 332, 332-33 (TTAB 1963).
The most common types of specimens are membership cards and certificates. The applicant may submit as a specimen a blank or voided membership card or certificate.
For trade or professional associations, decals bearing the mark for use by members on doors or windows in their establishments, wall plaques bearing the mark, or decals or plates for use, e.g., on members’ vehicles, are satisfactory specimens. If the members are in business and place the mark on their business stationery to show their membership, pieces of such stationery are acceptable. Flags, pennants, and banners of various types used in connection with political parties, club groups, or the like could be satisfactory specimens.
Many associations, particularly fraternal societies, use jewelry such as pins, rings, or charms to indicate membership. See In re Triangle Club of Princeton Univ., 138 USPQ at 332. However, not every ornamental design on jewelry is necessarily an indication of membership. The record must show that the design on a piece of jewelry is actually an indication of membership before the jewelry can be accepted as a specimen of use. See In re Inst. for Certification of Comput. Pros., 219 USPQ 372, 373 (TTAB 1983) (in view of contradictory evidence in record, specimen with nothing more than CCP on it was not considered evidence of membership); In re Mountain Fuel Supply Co., 154 USPQ 384, 384 (TTAB 1967) (design on specimen did not indicate membership in organization, but merely showed length of service).
Shoulder, sleeve, pocket, or similar patches, or lapel pins, whose design constitutes a membership mark and which are authorized by the parent organization for use by members on garments to indicate membership, are normally acceptable as specimens. Clothing authorized by the parent organization to be worn by members may also be an acceptable specimen.
A specimen that shows use of the mark by the collective organization itself, rather than by a member, is not acceptable. See In re Mission Am. Coal., 2023 USPQ2d 228, at *4, *12 (collective membership mark refused because specimen showed use of the mark by applicant’s officer and not its members). Collective organizations often publish various kinds of printed material, such as catalogs, directories, bulletins, newsletters, magazines, programs, and the like. Placement of the mark on these items by the collective organization represents use of the mark as a trademark or service mark to indicate that the collective organization is the source of the material. The mark is not placed on these items by the parent organization to indicate membership of a person in the organization.
See TMEP §904.07(a) regarding whether a trademark or service mark specimen shows the mark used in commerce.
See TMEP §1304.03(b) regarding specimen refusals specific to collective membership marks.
1304.02(a)(ii) Intent to Use – §1(b)
See TMEP §1303.01(a)(ii) for information regarding an intent-to-use filing basis for a collective trademark or collective service mark. These requirements apply similarly to collective membership marks, with the only difference being that the verified statement refers to a collective membership organization rather than goods or services.
1304.02(a)(iii) Foreign Priority – §44(d)
See TMEP §1303.01(a)(iii) for information regarding a §44(d) filing basis for a collective trademark or collective service mark. These requirements apply similarly to collective membership marks, with the only difference being that the verified statement refers to a collective membership organization rather than goods or services.
1304.02(a)(iv) Foreign Registration – §44(e)
See TMEP §1303.01(a)(iv) for information regarding a §44(e) filing basis for a collective trademark or collective service mark. These requirements apply similarly to collective membership marks, with only two differences. First, the verified statement refers to a collective membership organization rather than goods or services. Second, the scope of the nature of the collective membership organization covered by the §44 basis in the U.S. application may not exceed the scope of the nature of the collective membership organization identified in the foreign application or registration. 37 C.F.R. §2.44(a)(2)(iii); TMEP §1402.01(b).
1304.02(a)(iv)(A) Scope of Foreign Registration
See TMEP §1303.01(a)(iv)(A) for information regarding the scope of a foreign registration for a collective trademark or collective service mark. This information applies similarly to collective membership marks.
1304.02(a)(v) Extension of Protection of International Registration – §66(a)
See TMEP §1303.01(a)(v) for information regarding a §66(a) filing basis for a collective trademark or collective service mark. These requirements apply similarly to collective membership marks, with the only difference being that the verified statement refers to a collective membership organization rather than goods or services.
1304.02(a)(vi) Multiple Bases, Amending/Deleting the Basis, Review of Basis Prior to Publication/Issue
The procedures for examining an application with multiple bases, amending or deleting a basis, and reviewing the basis information prior to publication or issuance of a registration are the same as for trademark and service mark applications. See TMEP §806.02 for information about multiple bases, §806.03 regarding amending the basis, §806.04 regarding deleting a basis, and §806.05 regarding review of a basis prior to publication or issue.
1304.02(b) Verification of Certain Statements
See TMEP §1303.01(b) for information about the verification of certain statements for a collective trademark or collective service mark. These requirements apply similarly to collective membership marks, except for the statement regarding the applicant’s bona fide intent and entitlement to exercise legitimate control and the applicant’s ownership statement.
1304.02(b)(i) Statements Required in Verification of Application for Registration - §1 or §44 Application
See TMEP §1303.01(b)(i) for information about the requirements for the verified statement in applications under §1 or §44 for a collective trademark or collective service mark. These requirements apply similarly to collective membership marks. The two exceptions are the following requirements, which differ only in form.
Bona Fide Intention and Entitlement to Exercise Legitimate Control. If the filing basis is §1(b), §44(d), or §44(e), the applicant must submit a verified statement that the applicant has a bona fide intention, and is entitled, to exercise legitimate control over the use of the mark in commerce, and that to the best of the signatory’s knowledge and belief, no other persons, except members, have the right to use the mark in commerce, either in the identical form or in such near resemblance as to be likely, when used in connection with the collective membership organization of such other persons, to cause confusion or mistake, or to deceive. 37 C.F.R. §2.44(a)(4)(ii), (a)(4)(iii)(B), (a)(4)(iv)(B). If this verified statement is not filed with the original application, it must also allege that, as of the application filing date, the applicant had a bona fide intention, and was entitled, to exercise legitimate control over the use of the mark in commerce. 37 C.F.R. §2.44(b)(2).
Ownership. In an application based on §1(a), the verified statement must allege that the applicant believes the applicant is the owner of the mark, and that to the best of the signatory’s knowledge and belief, no other persons, except members, have the right to use the mark in commerce, either in the identical form or in such near resemblance as to be likely, when used in connection with the collective membership organization of such other persons, to cause confusion or mistake, or to deceive. 37 C.F.R. §2.44(a)(4)(i)(D); see 15 U.S.C. §§1051(a)(3)(A), 1051(a)(3)(D).
See TMEP §§1304.02(a) - (a)(iv) for further information regarding filing-basis requirements, including the verified statement.
1304.02(b)(ii) Statements Required in Verification of Application for Registration - §66(a) Application
For a collective membership mark in a §66(a) application, the verified statement is not part of the international registration on file at the IB; therefore, the examining attorney must require the verified statement during examination. See 37 C.F.R. §2.44(b)(2).
In applications under §66(a) of the Act, the applicant must supplement the request for extension of protection to the United States to include a declaration that the applicant has a bona fide intention, and is entitled, to exercise legitimate control over the use of the mark in commerce that the U.S. Congress can regulate to indicate membership in the collective organization. 37 C.F.R. §2.44(a)(4)(v). The declaration must include a statement that the signatory is properly authorized to execute the declaration on behalf of the applicant and that to the best of his/her knowledge and belief, no other person, firm, corporation, association, or other legal entity, except members, has the right to use the mark in commerce that the U.S. Congress can regulate either in the identical form thereof or in such near resemblance thereto as to be likely, when used in connection with the collective membership organization of such other person, firm, association, or other legal entity, to cause confusion, or to cause mistake, or to deceive. 37 C.F.R. 2. 44(a)(4)(v); see 15 U.S.C. §1141(f)(a).
Additionally, because the verified statement is not included with the initial application, the verified statement must also allege that, as of the application filing date, the applicant had a bona fide intention, and was entitled, to exercise legitimate control over the use of the mark in commerce. 37 C.F.R. §2.44(b)(2).
See TMEP § 1303.01(a)(v) for further information regarding filing-basis requirements, including the verified statement.
1304.02(c) Identification of Nature of Collective Membership Organization
The purpose of a collective membership mark is to indicate membership in an organization; therefore, an identification of goods or services would not be appropriate in connection with a collective membership mark. More accurate identification language would be "indicating membership in an organization (association, club, or the like) . . .," followed by a phrase indicating the nature of the organization or association, for example, "indicating membership in an organization of computer professionals" or "indicating membership in a motorcycle club."
The nature of an organization can be indicated by specifying the area of activity of its members (e.g., they may sell lumber, cosmetics, or food, or may deal in chemical products or household goods, or provide services as fashion designers, engineers, or accountants). If goods or services are not directly involved, the nature of an organization can be indicated by specifying the organization’s type or purpose (such as a service or social club, a political society, a trade association, a beneficial fraternal organization, or the like). Detailed descriptions of an organization’s objectives or activities are not necessary. It is sufficient if the identification indicates broadly either the field of activity as related to the goods or services, or the general type or purpose of the organization.
1304.02(d) Classification
Section 1 and §44 Applications. In applications under §1 or §44 of the Trademark Act, collective membership marks are classified in U.S. Class 200. 37 C.F.R. §6.4. U.S. Class 200 was established as a result of the decision in Ex parte Supreme Shrine of the Order of the White Shrine of Jerusalem, 109 USPQ 248 (Comm’r Pats. 1956). Before this decision, there was no registration of membership insignia on the theory that all collective marks were either collective trademarks or collective service marks. Some marks that were actually membership marks were registered under the Trademark Act of 1946 as collective service marks, and a few were registered as collective trademarks. That practice was discontinued upon the clarification of the basis for registration of membership marks and the creation of U.S. Class 200.
Section 66(a) Applications. A §66(a) application may indicate that the mark is a "Collective, Certificate or Guarantee Mark" or the identification may indicate that the mark is intended to indicate membership. In such cases, the examining attorney will require the applicant to clarify for the record the type of mark for which it seeks protection. The examining attorney must also require the applicant to comply with the requirements for the particular type of mark, i.e., collective trademark, collective service mark, collective membership mark, or certification mark. See TMEP §§1303–1303.02(b) regarding collective trademarks and collective service marks, §§1304–1304.03(c) regarding collective membership marks, and §§1306–1306.06(c) regarding certification marks.
If a §66(a) applicant indicates that the mark is a collective membership mark, the USPTO will not reclassify it into U.S. Class 200 because the classification of such applications may not be changed from that assigned by the International Bureau of the World Intellectual Property Organization (IB). TMEP §§1401.03(d), 1904.02(b). However, the examining attorney must ensure that the applicant complies with all other U.S. requirements for collective membership marks. See TMEP §§1304–1304.03(c).
1304.03 Examination of Collective Membership Mark Applications
An application to register a collective membership mark on the Principal Register must meet all the criteria for registration of other marks on the Principal Register. 15 U.S.C. §1054; see 37 C.F.R. §2.46. Likewise, when determining the registrability of a collective membership mark on the Supplemental Register, the same standards are used as are applied to other types of marks. See 37 C.F.R. §2.47.
The examination of collective membership mark applications is conducted in the same manner as the examination of applications to register trademarks and service marks, using the same criteria of registrability. Thus, the same standards generally applicable to trademarks and service marks are used in considering issues such as descriptiveness or disclaimers. See Racine Indus. Inc. v. Bane-Clene Corp., 35 USPQ2d 1832, 1837 (TTAB 1994) ; In re Ass’n of Energy Eng’rs, Inc., 227 USPQ 76, 77 (TTAB 1985) ; In re Int’l Ass’n for Enterostomal Therapy, Inc., 218 USPQ 343 (TTAB 1983) . However, use (specimens) and ownership requirements are slightly different due to the nature of collective membership marks indicating membership rather than commercial origin.
See TMEP §1207.04 for information regarding seeking a concurrent use registration.
1304.03(a) Ownership Considerations
Under the definition of "collective mark" in §45 of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. §1127, only a "cooperative, an association or other collective group or organization" can become the owner of a collective mark. However, there is great variety in the organizational form of collective groups whose members use membership marks. The terms "group" and "organization" are broad enough to cover all groups of persons who are brought together in an organized manner such as to justify their being called "collective."
The organization is usually an association, either incorporated or unincorporated, but is not limited to being an association and may have some other form.
A collective membership mark may be owned by someone other than the collective organization whose members use the mark, and the owner might not itself be a collective organization. An example is a business corporation who forms a club for persons meeting certain qualifications, and arranges to retain control of the group and of the mark used by the members of the group. The corporation that has retained control over the use of the mark is the owner of the mark, and is entitled to apply to register the mark. In re Stencel Aero Eng’g Corp., 170 USPQ 292 (TTAB 1971) .
To apply to register a collective membership mark, the collective organization which owns the mark must be a person capable of suing and being sued in a court of law. See 15 U.S.C. §1127; TMEP §803.01. The persons who compose a collective group may be either natural or juristic persons.
Application to register a membership mark must be made by the organization or person (including juristic persons) that controls or intends to control the use of the mark by the members and, therefore, owns or is entitled to use the mark. See 15 U.S.C. §1054; In re Stencel Aero Eng’g Corp., 170 USPQ 292 (TTAB 1971) . Application may not be made by a mere member.
1304.03(b)(i) Matter that Does Not Function as a Membership Mark
Whether matter functions as a collective membership mark is determined by the specimen and evidence of record. It is the use of the mark to indicate membership, rather than the character of the matter composing the mark, that determines whether a term or other designation is a collective membership mark. See Ex parte Grand Chapter of Phi Sigma Kappa, 118 USPQ 467 (Comm’r Pats. 1958) (holding that use of Greek letter abbreviations on athletic jerseys did not function as collective membership marks indicating membership in Greek letter societies); In re Mountain Fuel Supply Co., 154 USPQ 384 (TTAB 1967) (holding that the design on a jewelry pin merely indicated longevity of service rather than membership in a collective organization). If a proposed mark does not function as a mark indicating membership, the examining attorney must refuse registration under §§1, 2, 4, and 45 of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. §§1051, 1052, 1054, 1127. See TMEP §1304.03(b)(ii) regarding specimens showing use as degrees or titles. See TMEP §904.07(b) for information about matter that fails to function as a trademark or service mark.
1304.03(b)(ii) Degree or Title Designations
Professional, technical, educational, and similar organizations often adopt letters or similar designations to be used by persons to indicate that the persons have passed certain tests or completed certain courses of instruction that are specified by the organization, or have demonstrated a degree of proficiency to the satisfaction of the organization. When such a symbol is used solely as a personal title or degree for an individual (i.e., it is used in a manner that identifies only a title or degree conferred on this individual), then it does not serve to indicate membership in an organization, and registration as a membership mark must be refused. In re Int’l Inst. of Valuers, 223 USPQ 350 (TTAB 1984) (registration properly refused where use of the mark on specimen indicated award of a degree or title, and not membership in collective organization); see also In re Nat’l Soc’y of Cardiopulmonary Technologists, Inc., 173 USPQ 511 (TTAB 1972) ; cf. In re Thacker, 228 USPQ 961 (TTAB 1986); In re Nat’l Ass’n of Purchasing Mgmt., 228 USPQ 768 (TTAB 1986) ; In re Mortg. Bankers Ass’n of Am., 226 USPQ 954 (TTAB 1985) .
If the proposed mark functions merely as a degree or title, the examining attorney must refuse registration under §§1, 2, 4, and 45 of the Trademark Act, 15 U.S.C. §§1051, 1052, 1054, 1127, on the ground that the matter does not function as a collective membership mark. See TMEP §1304.03(b)(i).
1304.03(c) Likelihood of Confusion
Likelihood of confusion may arise from the contemporaneous use, by one party, of a collective membership mark on the one hand and a trademark or service mark on the other. The same standards used to determine likelihood of confusion between trademarks and service marks also apply to collective membership marks. See 15 U.S.C. §1052(d); In re Nat’l Novice Hockey League, Inc., 222 USPQ 638 (TTAB 1984) ; Allstate Life Ins. Co. v. Cuna Int’l, Inc., 169 USPQ 313 (TTAB 1971) , aff’d, 487 F.2d 1407, 180 USPQ 48 (C.C.P.A. 1973).
The finding of likelihood of confusion between a collective membership mark and a trademark or service mark is not based on confusion as to the source of any goods or services provided by the members of the collective organization. Rather, the question is whether relevant persons are likely to believe that "the trademark owner’s goods or services emanate from or are endorsed by or are in some other way associated with the collective organization." Pierce-Arrow Soc’y v. Spintek Filtration, Inc., 2019 USPQ2d 471774, at *8-9 (TTAB 2019) (quoting Carefirst of Md., Inc. v. FirstHealth of the Carolinas Inc., 77 USPQ2d 1492, 1513 (TTAB 2005)); In re Code Consultants Inc., 60 USPQ2d 1699, 1701 (TTAB 2001) . For purposes of Section 2(d), the identification of goods or services is used to determine the relevant consuming public. Pierce-Arrow Soc’y, 2019 USPQ2d 471774, at *9 (citing In re Gulf Coast Nutritionals, Inc., 106 USPQ2d 1243, 1247 (TTAB 2013)). Relevant purchasers for a collective membership mark consist of "those persons or groups of persons for whose benefit the membership mark is displayed." Id. (citing Carefirst of Md., Inc., 77 USPQ2d at 1513).
1304.03(d) False Suggestion of a Connection
A collective membership mark may be refused under Trademark Act Section 2(a) where "matter … may … falsely suggest a connection with persons, living or dead, institutions, beliefs, or national symbols." 15 U.S.C §1052(a). See In re Leathernecks Motorcycle Club Int’l, Inc., Ser. No. 90498154, 2024 TTAB LEXIS 208 (2024).
To address the nature of a collective membership mark, the third and fourth elements of the test are modified:
- 1 the mark is the same as, or a close approximation of, the name or identity previously used by another person or institution;
- 2 the mark would be recognized as such, in that it points uniquely and unmistakably to that person or institution;
- 3 the person or institution named by the mark is not connected to or otherwise affiliated with the applicant; and
- 4 the fame or reputation of the person or institution is such that, when the mark is used to indicate membership in applicant, a connection with the person or institution would be presumed.
Regarding the third element, a connection with an entity is established when the record establishes an affiliation with applicant’s organization for a collective membership mark, whether written or implied. See In re Leathernecks Motorcycle Club Int’l, Inc., 2024 TTAB LEXIS 208, at *23-24.
Regarding the fourth element, the fame or reputation of the person or institution must be such that, when the mark is used to indicate membership in the particular membership organization, a connection with the person or institution would be presumed. In re Leathernecks Motorcycle Club Int’l, Inc., 2024 TTAB LEXIS 208, at *24-27 (finding, in the context of a motorcycle club seeking registration of LEATHERNECKS, a connection with the U.S. Marine Corps was presumed because (1) the term LEATHERNECKS is a widely known nickname adopted by the USMC and recognized by the relevant public to refer to the USMC; (2) applicant's members affixed the mark to their vests above other USMC indicia; (3) the mark is displayed in gold and scarlet, which closely resembles marks in ten USMC registrations showing marks for gold and red rocker patches with other USMC indicia that are meant to be affixed to clothing; and (4) applicant's entire membership consists of active duty and honorably discharged USMC and U.S. Navy Corpsman).
See TMEP §1203.03(b)(i) for information regarding the false suggestion of a connection refusal under §2(a).